What I do

Tune in to your body's frequency

Using a combination of touch and verbal guidance, and drawing on elements from the Pantarei Approach, Yoga, reflexology, massage, and breathing techniques, I’ll help you tune into your deepest self. You’ll become profoundly aware of your body and how very connected it is to your emotions, your psychology, and your personal experiences. As you slowly tap into your body’s ideal frequency and learn how to listen to it, you’ll begin to allow these different aspects of yourself to work together more harmoniously. You’ll feel more whole, more in control, and capable of making the changes that you desire in your life.

Book a session
Let your body move you

Your First Session:
You are a unique individual, with your unique needs and goals. Your first session is aimed at getting to know you and learn about what is limiting you. Perhaps you’re experiencing physical pain, stress, frustration, tension, or a lack of focus, energy, confidence, or direction. Or perhaps you have another issue that’s creating dissonance or noise in your life. Whatever it is, we’ll begin by defining what you’d like to change. Then, in my fully equipped praxis room, I’ll  get a more complete picture of how your issue manifests physically in your body. Of course, we’ll continue discussing your interests and objectives, and we’ll identify a working procedure for subsequent sessions. This first session lasts 90 minutes, follow-up sessions will be one hour.

The Pantarei Approach

Find out more about the Pantarei Approach here.
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